Replacing the Father Wound Program with the Crystalline Father within You

Jun 09, 2019

We are living in days when love and natural affection are decreasing rapidly. We see this epidemic every day, and we don’t have to look far to see it—in our own families and in our hearts. Many people lack natural affection for many reasons. But what you may not be aware of is we may lack affection due to unconscious information learned from our surroundings, families, cultures, and societies. In other blogs, we’ve mentioned that our mother wound could be one of the causes behind the unconscious programs that give rise to our suffering. Our father wound is another important piece to look at in our quest to improve our inner resonance and create our best possible reality.


Many modern societies teach us that love comes only (or at least primarily) from mothers. But in reality, “love” lives within all of us and is expressed when our unconscious is transparent. Thus, just as “mother’s love” is important in our lives, so is “father’s love.” Fathers are just as important to women as they are to men. Fathers deeply affect the inner development of daughters and wives, just as mothers affect the inner development of sons and husbands.


The father archetype plays an important part in everyone’s inner journey. Lack of love from your father or father figure becomes a father wound—an invisible scar that sets a pattern within you that you resonate with, creating all sorts of uncomfortable situations in you life. Sadly, in today’s world, many children grow up without the presence of a loving father and have a scar in the shape of their missing dads.


Some lost their fathers through death or illness; others, through divorce, distance, addiction, or another dysfunction. Others lacked a father’s love and presence because their father was angry, depressed, violent, uncaring, indifferent, distant / withdrawn, absent / abandoning, bullying or condemning, or dominating or critical.


Like most losses, the father wound might be covered over on the outside, but not on the inside. That open wound inside pulsates and creates ripples long after the initial hurt, attracting situation after situation into our lives that reflects the original wounding.


Two primary symptoms of a father wound include a created bias against men, which can result in homophobia, rebelliousness, or becoming enraged with men, and difficulty relating to men, including sons, husbands, friends, or coworkers. A man who suffers from father wounds may copy his father’s traits—both good and bad. Or he may strive to become the man his father wasn’t, which may include adopting a “macho complex” or misogyny. For a woman, the father wound can send her on an endless search for love or create a negative filter through which she sees men. She might be terrified of abandonment; fall in love or resonate with father-wounded men; and, through these relationships, relive her struggles with and wounds from her father. And there is yet another expression of a father wound. Seeking inner security, some women who suffer father wounds “become men” through their work or in other areas of their lives—adopting “masculine traits” in order to compensate for the lack of male presence in their lives.


Do you identify with any of these father wounds?


In general, father wounds may take many unbalanced or “toxic masculinity” shapes outside when our need to love and be loved is unmet. You cannot expect to have good relationships with men if that information is not rooted inside of you. If my father wasn’t there for me, how can I expect the father of my children to be there for them or any man in my life to be there for me?


The problem is, if we don’t deal with our inner issues, we will certainly project them to the upcoming generation. Beyond time and space, our learned information and experiences are passed between resonant energy fields—this includes our father’s energy field and his wounds.


Over years of crystal healing sessions, I have seen many father wounds. I remember Rita’s story. When she was only five years old, her mother decided to part ways with her father. This included cutting any physical or emotional bond with him. To compensate for the lack of male presence, unconsciously, Rita integrated masculine traits—from her clothing to the way she behaved. Some of these included control, pursuit of achievement and status, and separation. She married a father-wounded man who suffered from “macho complex” and was never in the house due to his demanding work, as well as to his addiction problems. The marriage ended in divorce. After this, she expected her situation to change. But it didn’t. She kept attracting father-wounded men and living her father wounds through all her relationships.


And we all will do the same—attracting the information recorded within us in the shape of unconscious learned experiences until we choose to work on ourselves to heal and transcend others’ information.


Quartz crystals’ inner properties known to science can be of great help during these times in our lives. They can help us recognize, heal, and transcend our inner information. In this way, we can change our inner resonance and open new possibilities into our lives.


I invite you today to examine your life through inner work and remove all the inner blocks that are preventing you from resonating with love. If this includes your “father program,” it’s time to replace the father wound within you with a loving father program so that you can resonate with and create a better experience of life through the power of crystal energy vibration. 

Please don’t forget to share your comments below. 

Enjoy this crystalline ride!

Crystal LOVE!



IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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