Quartz Crystals: A Bridge to Healing and Transformation

Jun 13, 2021

The world today is in transition and in need of healing. Collectively and individually, we’ve faced upheaval, loss, and change; and more is on the horizon. It’s a time for transformation and healing—a time to replace divisiveness with inclusion and neutrality in order to make the world a better place for us all. 

What if I told you I know of a tool that can help? Quartz crystals used as tools for inner work can powerfully impact our lives and make positive transformation and healing possible.

From past to present, quartz crystal energy has been known for its invisible properties. In sacred sites around the world, crystals were long recognized for their powerful transformations, and they’re used in our modern technology for their unprecedented balancing properties. This makes them valuable tools for neutralizing our limited energetic resonance and opening the scope of our resonance to resonate with limitless possibilities.

But how can quartz crystals, seemingly inanimate objects that originate within the depths of the earth, do all that?

First, let’s recall what you’ve learned if you’ve been following my blogs: We and the world around us are mostly energy (99.99999 percent to be exact). Energy doesn’t have boundaries; it’s limitless. When we’re able to resonate with limitless energy, we can attract infinite possibilities—among these, lasting peace and well-being.

But why don’t we perceive ourselves as energy and resonate with infinite possibilities?

Because we’ve learned to identify with the information, we’ve uploaded from our surroundings. Our reality is the result of our resonance. We attract and live what we resonate with. If we identify and resonate with a limited reality, we’ll keep resonating with and attracting this reality in the shape of suffering, unwanted repeated experiences, exclusion, separation, and so on—until we choose to neutralize the source of the limiting resonance creating this reality within us.

Did you know that, in antiquity, quartz crystals were present in almost every sacred site?

In the same way quartz crystals generate electromagnetic energy fields in our modern technology, in these sites, quartz crystals were deliberately used as technology to crack limited resonance, to balance and neutralize information, and to access the infinite within us. When quartz crystals interact with the magnetic field of the human body, they can reestablish the harmonic resonance that can bring lasting well-being.

Maybe many of us don’t have the possibility to travel to ancient sites. But we do have the possibility to resonate with quartz crystals in the comfort of our homes and bring their healing frequencies into our lives.

In my crystal healing sessions, through a crystal screen, clients are able to choose their own crystals through resonance—those that will help them restore balance and neutrality.

When we consciously choose what we resonate with, we have the option to transcend the patterns of how we interact with the world. This is the gift of crystal healing.

And believe me, it works. I’ve seen it again and again in my 20 plus years of one-on-one crystal healing sessions. By resonance, crystals’ energy can reach the most unlikely places. Fundamentally, we’re all pure energy. Although our learned beliefs may cause us to perceive crystals as mere inanimate objects, the infinite universe runs through all of us without exception. Crystals can awaken wholeness within each of us, regardless of what we consciously believe. Well-being and health, inclusivity, connection, and neutrality can be part of our everyday life, not just a dream we long for.

We can still live our best lives. We can choose our best option for relationships. We can help bring collective healing and transformation into the world. In the words of the Indian sage Jiddu Krishnamurti, “What you are, the world is. And without your transformation, there can be no transformation of the world.”

Turn on the crystalline within you! Balance your resonance! The world needs you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using beatrizsinger.com copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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