Optimizing Our MindCloud Software to Live the Reality We Love

Jan 08, 2023

Are you aware of what unconsciously triggers your choices?  

Our MindCloud can be compared to a vast library. Replete with shelves with tons of books, each jammed with information uploaded from our surroundings. Among the subjects or energy fields of information, you can find mom, dad, family, religion, school, race, gender, community, country, and so on.  

Want to learn how to identify these information sources and how to neutralize them? 

Information sources become programs in our MindCloud, to which we respond on autopilot. 

The previous are a few examples of some of the programs we are exposed to daily, resonating with and responding to - which later translate into our personal reality, today's world, and all its conflicts.  

And there is more. These books also contain the feelings and emotions we've experienced since we came into this world. Love, happiness, awe, satisfaction, self-confidence, affection, sadness, disappointment, anxiety, shame, envy, frustration, fear, anger, resentment, distrust, loneliness, hatred, annoyance, pride, confusion, etc., are stored in this library. Does this sound familiar? 

Unfortunately, negative emotions outweigh positive ones, and through resonance, these become the world we live in today. 

According to Santiago Ramon y Cajal, a Spanish neuroscientist: "Any man could, if he were so inclined, be the sculptor of his own brain." 

Choice and being authentic give us the power to sculpt our MindCloud. For example, we can choose to eject from the program of being powerless victims of our reality. Through choice and being authentic, each of us can transform our life and world. 

Considering all these programs, how can we be the best individual version of ourselves while keeping connection and wholeness in mind? 

All we need are just two conscious Mind clicks. The first one is to surpass the algorithms of our MindCloud, and the second is to switch our resonance to neutrality. You can beat the MindCloud algorithms by becoming aware of what unconsciously motivates your choices and becoming smarter in these situations.  

The idea here is to expand your resonance. Learning how to manage the buttons that trigger your mental programs is crucial to achieving this. 

For example, when you are in fear or connected with any other negative emotion, you can lose the opportunity to expand and resonate with infinity. When you are in resistance mode, you are resonating with limitation. You are mainly focused on arguing, judging, and being in victim mode instead of remaining open or in a state of expansion. 

We can no longer trust outside limited information. We must begin trusting our non-programmed and authentic infinite nature that keeps pulsating beneath all the bogus programs. 

Although sometimes we may give up on our inner pressure, don't fall out. The internal pressure we experience is not there to limit us but to expand us. It is there to help us resonate with infinity, where lasting connection and unbiased love live. From this perspective, separation and division are not here to divide us but to awaken us into the unity of consciousness. 

Instead of immersing in fear, anxiety, or any other negative emotion or bias, how about taking a deep breath and saying to yourself: "I'm in control of my MindCloud." 

When you allow yourself to pause, you can connect with the space between thoughts, which is infinity itself, where you will naturally be able to connect to your unlimited creativity, positive emotions, and more. And where you will overcome the status quo effortlessly and reach the best possible outcome. 

Questions that reinforce our will and discernment may also help deactivate unconscious programming.   

For example: 

- What is my infinite truth?  

- Am I creating my authentic infinite reality or the limited reality of others? 

It is often more challenging to hear our own authentic voice when stressed. Creating strategies ahead to discern our own voice in times of stress is also essential. 

We are not here to experience, resonate and create a reality based on fear or other limiting emotions. We are here to grow, evolve, resonate, and create a better reality for everyone. 

Today's society promotes individualization to force individuals to decide on the choices they make in their daily lives. However, It's essential to keep in mind that when we resonate with our MindClouds, our personalities— still have egos —default fixed programs they resonate with. Although we believe that each of our decisions comes from our free will and individuality, they don't. Without continuous conscious work, our choices result from our programmed MindCloud. 

We can self-optimize ourselves by continually debugging our MindCloud of fixed limited programs to resonate with neutrality.   

From now on, I invite you to see your mind's default as an invitation to improve your life and world.  

When we unplug from our cloudy MindCloud, we can rewire ourselves and change distorted judgments, default behaviors, emotional responses, and biases that hold us back. Additionally, we can become wiser to make better choices that can impact our lives and the lives of others for the better. 

Without exception, we can all manifest the best in ourselves without negativity or the need to instill pain or judgments in others. Many of you would love to program your minds according to your preferences. It's time to do it for the best of all! Optimize your software today!   

Balance your resonance; the world needs you! 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using beatrizsinger.com copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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