Opening Ourselves to Resonate with Truth

Oct 28, 2020

“There is an inmost center in us all where truth abides in fullness.”

—Robert Browning


We live in such confusing times today that, for many, discerning what is truth and what is not can be a real challenge. And how can that not be the case when the line between truth and lies is becoming murkier every day?

Misleading by “telling the truth” has become an evident pattern, to such a great extent that a new term has recently been employed by psychologists to describe it—paltering. Paltering is when you use bits of the truth to deceive someone. But paltering is not different from lying—lying by omission (aka not giving all of the facts) or lying by commission (aka saying things that aren’t true).

In 1996, UCSB psychologist Bella DePaulo found that each of us lies about once or twice a day. She discovered this by asking participants for one week to note down each time they lied, even if they did so with good intentions. Out of the 147 participants in her original study, only 7 said they didn’t lie at all. The participants in her study were unaware of how many lies they told, partly because most were so “ordinary and so expected that we just don’t notice them.”

Unfortunately, lies stem from the way we were brought up. If our parents or the role models we grew up with lied, we will lie. Lies play a role in our social interactions. For example, we tell our children at Christmas that Santa brought our presents instead of us. As children of divorced parents, we lie about the other parent we’re not with at the time as a coping method and to avoid conflict. It’s socially accepted to hide the truth to not offend others. Family, society, politics, news, and our different biases are continuously sending mixed messages that ultimately teach us that it’s also okay to lie about things.

It’s when lies are used to manipulate or purposely mislead that it’s more worrying because these lies are imperceptible to the mind and can unconsciously manipulate you and, through resonance, attract unwanted circumstances to your life. This happens more often than you might think.

Paltering has become a widespread tactic in sales, marketing, and negotiation. It’s no secret that politicians often lie. So, too, do many in their everyday lives. Some people lie to hide embarrassment, such as after being fired. Others do so to make someone feel good.

For many, paltering is even considered more ethical than lying outright.

The real problem here is that it’s difficult to spot a misleading fact from a leader you trust or a credible outlet of information. And the impact on individuals who believe in that source and unknowingly integrate a lie into their belief system is deleterious.

I cannot state strongly enough how harmful to our resonance misleading truths are. When our unconscious is fed lies, especially from our leaders and those who we blindly trust, through our resonance, these lies become our reality.

Why? Resonance allows similarly vibrating energy fields of information to resonate with each other and exchange information. The different lies we’re exposed to create ripples, shape us, and set up patterns individually and collectively inside our interconnected energy fields.

Although you might not be aware, we human beings are resonators. We generate energy waves or patterns of information that cocreate the individual and collective reality we all live in. The lies we’re continually exposed to become information that is codifying our energy fields—creating a reality of destructive resonance where confusion and mistruths abound.

We are living in times where information is intentionally being corrupted and manipulated to influence the global resonance and, thus, the future of humanity and planet Earth. Fake information is being spread all over to limit and manipulate our minds and energy fields in order for us to resonate with limiting agendas—such as illness, fear, separation, depletion, and divisiveness (all limited realities)—and to prevent us from resonating with the limitless, powerful whole beings we really all are. 

As you can see, what we perceive is not an accurate reflection of the real, externally existing world. As we perceive it, our world has been filtered through the countless stories we’ve integrated from the environment—including lies we’ve repeatedly been exposed to. Just think about all the lies codified in your unconscious without your full awareness. The problem is that we’ll continue resonating endlessly with this misinformationand unconsciously being manipulated until we clear these fake, unwanted stories from our perceptual lenses.

But what if you were able to take control of your own resonance—to decide for yourself what vibrations you are sending out into the world? What if, instead of simply vibrating with the limiting unconscious programming you’re fed, you resonated with the information you consciously choose to resonate with? Have you ever wondered what it would mean to be in charge of choosing what you want to resonate with in order to live your best life and create a better world?

We’ve been limited through the lies perpetrated by our families, cultures, politics, sovereignties, information outlets, and other sources. All the parts we’ve learned to identify with—all this limiting information that resides within our unconscious—can bring endless suffering, recreating situations we don’t want to live anymore.

No matter how others’ agendas try to manipulate the truth, universal truth will prevail. And the truth is that we are limitless energy beings with the power to resonate with infinite possibilities.

If you want to resonate with this limitlessness, you still have an option to do so. And that is working consciously to change your inner resonance.

The world needs new leadership that relies on and supports real truth. Are you ready to come with me on a journey to free yourself from mixed messages and bring clarity into your life? Are you ready to resonate with infinite possibilities and help birth a new humanity based on truth? Begin working on yourself today. The world needs you now!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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