Neutralizing Addiction: Outplaying Misinformation to Recover Our Resonance

Aug 08, 2021

Most of the patterns and belief systems that shape us earlier in life we inherit unconsciously from others.

Growing up surrounded by so many different circumstances can lead to many of us experiencing suffering and separation. The problem is that through resonance, suffering triggers more suffering, and separation brings more separation. From a vibrational perspective, the pains in the shape of thoughts, emotions, and experiences set up this specific resonance inside our minds and hearts. 

In this way, we become the source of our dissonance and the perpetrators that push us away from our original neutral state and authentic selves. And become the false information that resonates with fear, pain, addiction, disconnection —something other than who we authentically are. This dynamic will lead to a feedback cycle that continuously grows throughout our lives and leads to living unwanted lives.

Addiction is the repetition of this data roaming repeatedly, nonstop throughout our minds, harming our lives. It's an invisible chain that we constantly carry, like a burden that is impossible to let go of. Making us lose control over our will and genuine personality, challenging to have a truthful perspective of who we are at our essence.

When our inner resonance is clear from harmful resonance, it is balanced. It is also balanced when we choose to resonate with our heart, the zero-point energy or neutral energy within us. Contrary to addiction, created bythe dissonance that makes us reject the best of ourselves, connecting with our crystalline heart can assist us in our path to fulfill our calling in this journey called life.  

Addiction is not only the consumption of a substance or falling prey to negative attitudes or behaviors - it is the lack of control over our will in any given circumstance that constantly repeats itself. Although we yearn to change it, we find ourselves failing to do so over and over again. But let's be honest with ourselves; we cannot do the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.

So how can we change our story of addiction? How can we rewire our brains and hearts from disconnection to connection? And, let go of the unbalancing data loads imposed by others that are affecting our resonance? 

The answer isn't outside; the answer lies within ourselves. The solution is under the piles of misinformation that leads us to make so many poor choices. The answer is in our pristine essence that it is neutral, continuously in peace, which is ultimately the antidote to chaos.

We have an option. By consciously working on our resonance and neutralizing the information, we can opt-out of imbalance.  We can embrace who we indeed are and let go of everything that we aren't, and this includes disconnection and the complete collection of belief systems that constantly harm us. 

We become whole when we give up on our addictions. Letting go of our destructive beliefs is the first step to freedom. It's our priority to recognize the ideas and choices preventing us from living in connection and continuous balance.

We all have the power to rewire our mental programming to align with the neutral and pristine wisdom from our hearts to live in balance, harmony, and connection.  By changing ourselves individually, we can become a source of positive resonance.

The opposite of addiction is balance and connection!

Become the change the world longs for.

Balance your resonance. The world needs you.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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