Mastering Crystalline Manifestation: Tuning into Your Crystalline Brain and Quantum Field

Mar 03, 2024

Did you know that our body contains billions of tiny microscopic crystals?

The presence of these crystals in the most complex organ we know provides clues that they may play a major role in memory formation, imagination, creativity, and even consciousness. This opens up promising new avenues of research into human cognition, perception, and neuroscience. The microtubules, the crystalline structures inside our 86 billion neurons deep in our brains, indicate that crystals may have a far more profound importance to life than we ever realized.

Too many are trapped in the limited view of what the senses show them. We must think beyond the physical world and study the unseen dynamics that shape our reality: energy, frequency, and vibration. These hold the real secrets. Our brain is just a receiver, able to tap into the greater cosmos. Few have truly uncovered the core, but it awaits those bold enough to seek it. Don’t be distracted by the surface; look within and understand the forces that guide you from inside.

Everything in the universe is energy vibrating at different frequencies, according to quantum physics. Your thoughts and emotions are energies that vibrate and attract similar frequencies.

We manifest our reality from the inside out —from the information we resonate with.

Our reality is the result of all the information we are resonating with. 

To manifest the life you love:

1. You must neutralize the information inside of you, working with quartz crystals to match the frequency of zero-point energy where manifestation is possible.

2. Set a clear intention of what you want.

3. Use visualization to see and feel yourself already having what you want,

as your mind cannot tell the difference between visualization and reality.

4. Feel the emotions as if you already have what you want. Emotion is key to intensifying vibration.

5. Believe without doubt that you can achieve your dreams and take action.

6. Relax and be open to receiving without obsession. 

There is a law of reversibility in the science of manifestation. If water can turn into steam, then steam can turn back into water. Steam and water are the same thing, vibrating at different frequencies. If circumstance can produce a feeling, then feeling can produce circumstances. Mass can turn into energy, and energy can turn into mass. This is science, and it’s encapsulated in Einstein’s famous equation: E= mc2.  E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light. 

From this place, what you are seeking is also seeking you. Thoughts are waves. Waves carry information and energy; mass also carries information and energy. Mass is bound by space and time, while waves exist everywhere, beyond space and time.

When you think of what you wish for, it already exists in another dimension in the quantum field —it just has no mass. Yet, all waves exist in the quantum field. The quantum represents a different reality, but your crystalline mind can tune into these frequencies. That is how crystals work, not only in our modern technology but also inside our brains. Everything is energy, everything vibrates, and since thoughts are waves, they set the vibration dial of the reality in which you live.

Managing your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and actions can raise your vibration. When your vibration matches your wishes, the universe will manifest them into your physical reality. But it is not instantaneous; it takes a while. So, be patient.

The magnificence of the universe is meant for those who open their minds and are patient. As you see, subtle influences direct our paths, though we are oblivious of them. The more you expand your mind, the more you realize how much you don’t know. Enlightenment brings awareness of our limits.  Progress comes to those who break from the past. 

Open your mind, beyond the physical, and “think crystalline” to start living and embracing your best life.

Balance Your Resonance. The World Needs You!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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