Making Crystalline Choices

Apr 28, 2019

For a long time, we’ve been taught that evolution is a process that is happening to us. But recent scientific discoveries remind us instead that we are actually actively involved in how we evolve.

Today, we know that the food we eat is closely related to our body’s health and that, by making conscious nutritional choices, we can prevent and treat diseases. Scientific findings also show us that stress impacts the endocrine level, causing the release of cortisol, affecting the normal functioning of our body and that, by consciously choosing strategies and attitudes to deal with stress, we can avoid damage to our body.

Food and emotions are only the beginning. Did you know that your perceptions at any given moment, created by your thoughts and beliefs, can affect not only your biology but also your entire reality?

Although we are not aware of it, we live immersed in an energetic reality, where everything is energy. Through resonance, all of the content you allow into your mind is transformed into your reality. Of course, you will ask yourself, “How is this even possible?” 

Quantum physics explains how the act of observing transforms energetic waves into particles of matter through the “observer effect.” This means we are literally creating our reality every second with each of our thoughts and beliefs.

Every unconscious bit of repeating information you are exposed to becomes a program in your mind that runs your life. From this perspective, we have a mother program, a father program, a society program, a religion program, a cultural program, a suffering program, and so on.

Are you aware that, without you being completely conscious of the process, all this information, for better or worse, is creating your reality right now?

I don’t know about you. But for me, knowing this makes me want to create the best option of reality—by focusing on the inner contents that are creating my actual reality, by releasing the harmful contents, and by choosing meticulously the contents I receive. You see, we all receive content 24/7, and we can purposefully choose what we receive and what we integrate into our master program that creates our reality.

Just as we can consciously choose our food and attitudes to have better health, we can also consciously choose our thoughts to create the best reality possible.

Every single situation you were exposed to is creating your actual reality. You are literally living others’ lives, others’ beliefs, others’ suffering.

I made that great click in India, in a room covered with crystals from floor to ceiling and side to side. Crystals magnified everything I had inside of me that wasn’t mine. Can you imagine what it meant to suddenly realize that all the beliefs that ran my life weren’t actually mine and that the reality I was living wasn’t authentically mine but, rather, belonged to others? I left this life-changing experience wondering what it would be for me to live my own life, with my own beliefs. I asked myself: “How would Beatriz’s authentic program be?” “And how could living according to this unique crystal blueprint of mine affect my world?”

Using crystals as tools during my meditations, I became aware of all the information I’d received and was receiving on a daily basis. I could see clearly how this information was reflected in my reality and that it was the origin of all the suffering I didn’t want to live anymore.

The more authentic the content of our unconscious, the more it will resonate and become our authentic reality—thus, the importance of releasing the false contents of the mind.

One of the most powerful things we can do is exercise discernment or increase our awareness around the kind of experiences we expose ourselves to and their level of intensity and repetition.

Through crystals, I was able to recognize, release, and transform my inner contents. To keep my mind clean, I would always ask myself, “Is this information true to me?” (And by “me” I mean “the authentic self.”) And I would filter out anything to which I answered no.

I spent a lot of time alone observing myself, understanding myself, and trying to figure out who I am. By “who I am,” I’m not referring to who I think I am or who I want to be based on my unconsciously learned information. I know you already have a set of ideas of who you desperately want to be, but it might not be who you truly are.

That’s why we must ensure that the old mind programming is completely disabled and doesn’t recur. (To learn more about this, read The Crystal Blueprint.)

All this allowed me to hear, for the first time, my true voice and make conscious choices to amplify it and prevent others’ external contamination.

So you have a better idea about what this means, your true voice is where your true gifts or strengths reside—it is found in what you are good at and in places and activities where your passion and drive are increased.

“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom,” Socrates said.

Crystals can help you reconnect with your wisdom—with that pristine transparent part of yourself where everything is interconnected and separation doesn’t exist. They can help you recognize your own voice and walk your own path.

Now take action! Filter and choose only authentic thoughts to resonate with and create your best option of reality.

Crystal Journey!


IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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