Information: The Key to Resonate with a Better World

Jun 26, 2022

Imagine infinite peace without beginning or end. Can this be possible in our world today? In the microscopic sub-particle world, matter returns to its origins — energy, the matrix of creation. The Ancient Veda’s teachings believed that creation is richest at its source (expanding energy). Why? Because it consists of infinite possibilities. 

Today, thanks to Quantum Physics and The Observer Effect, we know that all perceived matter originated in an energy wave that transformed into a particle of matter. Energy came first. It is the ground from which all matter and all beings are created. 

If each of the atoms of our body is 99.9999999% energy, we individually and collectively are the creators of our reality and world. If we want to create a world where we all live in peace, we have a tremendous individual and collective responsibility.  

Since we are the creators of our reality, how do we actually create it? How does energy shape the world we are living in today?  

The answer is perception — the lens through which we have learned to experience the world.  

Our unconscious perception - made of all the information we have received from our environment since the moment we are conceived - literally chooses the possibilities we experience every second of our lives. 

Each bit of information encodes the energy that materializes reality. 

Opposing and compartmental perceptions create a fractional, divided world that lacks balance.  

Ancients understood this a long time ago. 

Ayurveda, a natural system of medicine that originated in India more than 3,000 years ago, believe that disease - any deviation from health - develops into imbalance.  

Ancients Greeks referred to the Kosmos as an ordered whole.   

It took until now for science to catch up with the insights of all these ancient cultures.  

To create a better world, we must change how we perceive the Universe, our perception of ourselves, and reality itself.  

If we perceive our world as separated parts, we will resonate and create separation, but if we perceive the world as a whole, as interconnected, we will create a much better world where peace can be a possibility. 

There is no real separation because matter is energy and the mind is energy. 

The information we have integrated from our surroundings creates the separation, making us perceive the world as parts, not as a whole. 

Our reality blueprint comes from the information we resonate with. The information we choose to resonate with is fundamental to creating a better life and world. 

A finite universe can only resonate with limited information, while an infinite universe with the infinite. 

Information interaction is crucial.  

This means that very second, the information you are interacting, can create your suffering, scarcity, illness, imbalance, and any limitation in your life. But also your individual and collective resonance, future, and the future of the next generations. 

Choose better! 

Balance your resonance; the world needs you! 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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