Embracing Our Human Beingness by Neutralizing Our Mother Program

Apr 02, 2021


Do you make lists? Do you wake up daily to tackle the ever-growing list and go to bed unsatisfied when you haven’t crossed off every item?

If you’re run by a human doing program, this is very likely related to your mother program. Like you, your mother probably knew no other way but to do, do, do. This program was uploaded to your mind program from the moment of conception and reinforced by societal and cultural definitions of success as doing ever more.

For many mothers this program is so strong they function as bottom-line mothers—treating their children like little employees, expected to “produce” in the form of achievement. And when results don’t equal demands, the bottom-line mother’s displeasure is visible.

Imagine how this affected your perceptions as a young child if you were raised this way.

When we’re raised with high expectations, our parents inadvertently (or intentionally!) convey that we’re worthy of their love only if we live up to their expectations.

As adults, we connect our self-worth to our accomplishments—to our human doingness. Our self-love will be built on the relationship between self-esteem and outcome. And we’ll live in an ever-vigilant state—believing we’ll be happy only when we’re finally successful.

But in truth, when we’re resonating with the human doing program, even when we’re successful, we don’t feel happy. And we’ll very likely pass this limiting program onto our own children.

There’s hope, though. You see, for children, success isn’t really about doing but about being. Children experience success not for what they do but from the perception of what they do. And that’s true for us too—if we neutralize our programming and get back to our authentic baseline. There we are limitless human beings, not limited human doings. 

The truth is, who you really are is much greater and has greater resonance than anything you’ve learned through the limited mind cloud of a human doing. 

Just as nature doesn’t hurry, strive, or worry, yet everything happens in due time, the same can be true for us. All growth, blossoming, and transformation occurs gently. Nature, absent the programs of our mind clouds, is vast and open and resonates with the intelligence of the universe. If we allow our lives to come from a place of being, we too can open ourselves to this infinite intelligence and flow.


While the mind is very powerful, it’s limited by the information it’s been fed. We can acknowledge this limitation. We can connect to what is true for us. And we can surrender the process of “achieving it” to an intelligence far greater than anything our mind can perceive. Only when we stop resonating with our limitations and stop striving, pleading, worrying, and doing “as much as we can,” can we tap into infinite flow. Only then can we begin living lives beyond our wildest dreams.

Let me share two practices to get you started.

One, imagine a specific life that makes you happy. Remember, people don’t all want the same things. This is about finding the desire within you. When you find it, start giving it more energy and taking small steps toward it.

Two, ask yourself: Is what I’m doing at each moment of my day coming from my mind cloud or my heart cloud? When you feel excited, happy, or hopeful about something, you’re functioning from your heart cloud. When you feel dread, worry, or resistant, you’re functioning from the limitations of your mind cloud. Resonating with your heart cloud expands our life to encompass more possibilities. Resonating with your mind cloud constricts your life within a box. Move toward the heart cloud, and you’ll move toward the flow of life.

And when you neutralize your mother program and your human doing program, you’ll be able to pass this on to future generations, enabling them to live their dream too. 

Are you ready to open to the intelligence of the universe? To let it provide you with a life far grander than the intelligence of your mind ever could?

The choice is yours. You can neutralize your mind. You can transcend your programming and live from being rather than doing. In so doing, you will move toward oneness with all that is and open yourself to the greatness that resides within you. And you’ll bring more of this infinite resonance to the world.

Start today. Tap into your beingness! Imagine doing what fulfills you and connects you with deep joy. Take small steps toward it with love and courage each day. Surrender to the process. And wait for the miracles to unfold.



IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using beatrizsinger.com copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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