Bringing Light to the Program of Being Unloved

Jan 06, 2021

One of the most heartbreaking experiences one can feel as a human being is rejection or feeling unloved.

No matter our age, ethnicity, or skin color; the family we grew up with; the religion, culture, or political party we belong to; or any other part we identify with, without exception, we all need to be treated with love, kindness, and compassion. 

But what happens when that is not the case? When in spite of your good intentions and trying to do your best, after sharing your unconditional love with others, time after time, you hit the same painful wall of indifference, of disapproval, of disrespect, of others’ unwillingness to accept you as you are or to engage with you and you feel unworthy of being loved?

This is what happens when your life is being run by the program of being unloved. And this program isn’t exactly something you intentionally looked for. It’s automatically uploaded the day you materialized in your mom’s womb—her fear and insecurity about bringing you into the world forming its base. It’s uploaded when she stops loving herself and feels not good enough and when you come into the world in these circumstances. And later, this program is reinforced by the constant judgment and hostile atmosphere where you grew up. 

This was the common factor in the stories of Ana, Katherine, Luisa, Alfredo, Peter, and so many others who’ve shared their experiences with me during my healing sessions.

Sadly, the problem doesn’t end there. It’s just the beginning. Our mind works like a cloud that stores information. It uploads all the information we repeatedly receive from our surroundings 24/7. So if we continually receive the command of “being unloved” and keep receiving it through different experiences, it will integrate and accept this instruction and reject anything different from this.

And there’s more. Energetically, we’re all interconnected. Through resonance—the ability of our energy field to resonate with similar energy vibrations and match similar information—we will relive on autopilot these painful experiences again and again. This experience may take the shape of orphanage, friends’ rejection, infidelity, abandonment, parental alienation, or feelings of unworthiness or not being good enough. But it can also show up as discrimination, repetitive conflicts, division, separation, and so on.

Our painful experiences have been uploaded repeatedly in such a way that has created a pattern that the program will follow on autopilot—playing over again and again those unwanted stories in our life.

In neuroscience, neuroplasticity—the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections in response to a repeating experience or information—explains why we live our stories on repeat.

The question here is whether it’s possible to eject this program and create one we love living.

And the answer is yes! Just as repetition of others’ data becomes the limiting program that runs us, through repetition, we can create a more authentic program, based on kindness, compassion, inclusivity, and love—a new neural network powerful enough to transcend our painful repetitive stories.

Fifty years ago, the idea that the adult brain could change was heretical. Today, we know we can transcend and deactivate false, old programs and upgrade our mind cloud resonance. Our brain can rewire itself and form new connections between neurons thanks also to neuroplasticity. And the only way we can sustain neural connections is through repetition.

Ancients knew this. Sages across time promote repetition of daily practices. When our neural circuits light up, they connect us with the quantum field and can repattern the information and resonance inside our mind cloud.

When we make new circuits in our brain, we perceive things differently. We pay attention to what we didn’t see before. Repetition is key to creating the stories we want to live and relive in life.

You can picture specific experiences in the quantum field. For example, you can envision the life partnership you’re dreaming of or the best relationships with your siblings or stepchildren. You can see yourself as the leader you always wanted to be to bring togetherness and lasting peace to the world. And you can also envision a unified world filled with all the virtues we hope to live as humanity. In addition, you can include how you respond to triggers. For example, you can see yourself, instead of reacting from your insecurities or fears, responding lovingly by putting yourself in others’ shoes.

And every single day, you can rehearse this vision—this ideal reality or version of you and the life and world you’re moving toward—as if you were actually living and experiencing it with all the related emotions and sensations that come to your body. 

Just know that, when we lose track of time and our environment in this moment, we are officially inside the quantum field and can repattern our resonance from painful to loving and joyful.

As long as we keep doing this daily, the new circuitry will light up and become a new sustainable neural pathway to who we will become in the future.

Daily practices using quartz crystals as tools can be very useful. They have the ability to balance every imbalanced frequency and catalyze your repatterning process and new resonance.

I invite you to rewire yourself using quartz crystals as tools—to change your mind so that you can resonate with a higher version of you and show up in your life and world as the bright light that, without exception, we all are.

The question is: Who are you going to rehearse to become in order to activate the new circuits—the new neural networks you want to create to live your best life and help build a loving world? 

Without exception, we can all amplify our limited resonance. Through quartz crystals, conscious focus on higher qualities, and daily practices, neuroplasticity can replace our existing limiting mind’s resonance and hardwire us to become the best version of ourselves. What are we waiting for? Let’s engage in daily practices to resonate with the highest qualities in us and bring forth the best version of humanity. Begin your daily practice today! The world needs you!

Crystal LIGHT!


IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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