A Little Help to Transcend: The Tools to Help Overcome Your Father Program

Apr 30, 2021

We all have a father program in our mind cloud. That program guides the way we engage with ourselves and with the world. And it helps create the issues we deal with in our lives and the patterns we repeat. Whatever our individual difficult experiences of fatherhood— a father who was physically or emotionally absent, separation from dad by divorce, or stepdad issues, to name a few—those experiences coded our father program. In addition, the behaviors and perspectives of our father or whoever replaced him were guided by the limiting masculinity codes in his own mind cloud. The result? A range of experiences, from toxic masculinity to emotional unavailability or suppression to unequal division of household and parenting obligations—all encoded in our father program.

No wonder then that lack of equality, painful relationships, and difficulty finding an inspiring vision of manhood remain problems in our world.

This is not the only option, though! We are, by no means, doomed. Whatever your father program is, you can overcome it. Just as women are more and more able and willing to expand into areas of life once closed to them by the idea of “a woman’s place” in our collective mind clouds, so are men willing and able to expand and grow. And so can we all change the vision of what it means “to be a man” and what the roles of a father are. The more we do so individually and collectively, the more balance and equality we’ll create. And we’ll open possibilities for each of us to become the best version of ourselves.

But how can we overcome programming deeply embedded not only in our own mind clouds but also in those passed down from many generations before us?

Well, we don’t have to transcend and expand on our own! Holistic tools can help us neutralize the information inside our mind cloud.

A meditation practice, for example, can be hugely beneficial, especially to men. Meditation can help manage stress and anxiety. It can reconnect us to buried, unexpressed emotions. And, according to recent neuroscientific studies, it can rewire the brain. It can reduce the size and activity of the amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for the fight or flight response (and for some men’s toxic behaviors).

Quartz crystals are another powerful transformational tool. They’ve been used for healing since ancient times. They drive modern technology. And they’re part of our biology.

Their inner geometric structure can help bring balance (neutrality)—key to overcoming the limitations of mind cloud programs. As we’ve learned, we’re 99.999999 percent energy, though we perceive ourselves as matter. We’re energetically imbalanced when our electrical charges (positive and negative) are unequal. But when those charges are equal, our energy is neutral and in a limitless state of fluctuation.

Crystalline structures inside our heart allow the myocardial muscle to expand, pumping blood throughout our body. The same crystalline structures power the heart cloud, an extremely powerful toroidal energetic field at the center of our body cloud torus that extends as far as five miles from our heart.

The eye of the hurricane is calm and neutral. So too is the space at the center of our heart cloud.

That’s why wearing a quartz crystal over our hearts can help us live our life from a place of wholeness resonance, transcend what’s holding us back, and create our ideal life. And it’s why working with crystals can reconnect us with who we really are.

Through holistic tools and practices, we can live from our neutral center. We can boost our awareness. We can see our biological predisposition toward limiting negative thinking and overcome it by also seeing—and resonating with—our underlying baseline limitlessness. We can cultivate sensitivity. We can overcome codes that have long told us who we can and can’t be and what we can and can’t have.

These tools and practices are essential if we want to create a better world for our children and future generations. Through our torus energy fields, we can send our balanced, aware, sensitive, and neutral energy into our interconnected world. Then we and they can live in a better world than the one we’re living in today—a more equal, more compassionate, and kinder world.

Are you ready to transcend your father program? To no longer be limited by painful patterns or beliefs about who you can and can’t be created by that program? To create lasting harmony for yourself, our world, and our future? Work with holistic tools and practices starting today. Please don’t wait. The world needs you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using beatrizsinger.com copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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